Serapis Bey - Temple of Ascension

"I am the leader of the path of Ascension and it is through me as the gateway that you will take your initiations in light and love to discover the true path and that which you are. Call to me to assist you along the path to bring forth the illuminations of each doorway and to hold it wide open for you to step through when you are ready. In the meantime, I will be the whisper in your ear to remind you of that which you are."

Master of Sacred Mystery Schools in all realms. It is Serapis Bey that holds, the ascension door open in the etheric realms in Luxor, Egypt.

He was the Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III in 1417-1379BC, called the magnificent, bringing Egypt to the height of diplomatic prestige, prosperity and peace. He constructed the temple of Luxor. He also embodied as Leonidas, King of Sparta in around 480BC. He was a high priest in the Ascension Temple in Atlantis more than 11,500 years ago. He also worked with Madame Blavatsky founder of the Theosophical Society in the 19th century.

It is said he ascended in 400BC. A loving master Serapis assists to bring peace to the Earth and avert war and loves nothing better than to coach people demanding lovingly that we see the light within us. He is interested in the physical body and offers advice on caring for your physical wellbeing as well as your spiritual wellbeing. He is also a Lord of Karma that sits on the Karmic Board.

Serapis Bay assists all souls who wish to open to the greater mystery of life and to expand this within their own heart. He offers a deep connection to the mystery of God consciousness that is found in each one of us and assists you to embrace the unknown mystery of life as it unfolds.

It is said that Serapis Bey originally came from Venus and is the Keeper of the White flame and he works with Archangel Chamuel on the ray of compassion and is the only Ascended Master who works with the Seraphim. 

It is also said he incarnated as the Pharaohs Akhenaton V and Amenophis. 

Serapis Bey is the master of Divine Truth and is often very direct and straightforward. He touches the very core of any matter and can see past all that filters the Divine Truth.

Call on Serapis Bey when you wish to begin to train on the inner planes and work deeply with spirit and when you wish assistance to connect more deeply with your higher self consciousness. Call to him when you truly wish to embrace the mystery of God in your life. Call on him when you need to know Divine Truth and cannot see past your old stories to the core of any matter.


Discover how you can work with the Ascended Masters at a deep level by joining one of the courses Ishtar has channelled from the Masters including: The Masters Way, Open to Channel, Path of the One Heart and Universal Rays Healing™.


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