Be Conscious of Your Creations - Saint Germain

The body is your vehicle on this Earth. It is a wise person that keeps this vehicle pure and clean. For if the vehicle is not working then it is very difficult for you to create your life. The body is not you, dear one, it is simply your mode of transportation in this experience but what a wondrous machine it is and imaginatively designed.

Its basis was created in the Universe. All beings on Earth are created in a similar way, in a similar design. While mankind continues to try and emulate this design it is still unable to do so for it does not refer to the basis of all life.

The first division of all life and the ability to create is the key. Life continues to duplicate itself and replicate itself ongoing in the physical just like the energy of the Universe. It never stops. It is always in continual motion, world without end.

Though the matter itself may change, dear one, the energy continues to move, evolve and grow. It never remains the same from one moment to the next. Change is the currency of the Universe. But this change is not as you see it. It is simply the movement of energy. Energy is not static it has to continue to move, evolve and grow. Just like the energy of the Universe.
We ask you to try to understand this as you work with energy that it is constantly evolving from one nano second to the next. It is constantly moving. The same can be said of your cells in the physical body, they too are constantly growing and evolving in some form. They do not remain static. You call this age but is it really an ending for you? In truth, dear one, it is simply a shedding of one "skin" or body for something else.

Consider the tree in the forest. It too changes and evolves as it grows. Yes, it too grows "old" but only to grow and evolve of itself. Every moment in your time, every moment in the Universe is about evolvement and change. The energy never stops moving and nothing is static. Even though it may seem so to you, dear one, this is not the case.

While you believe your life is static, we say to you that it is not. Your cells are changing and evolving in every moment, as are you. Even if you stand still on the one spot for years you will still change, evolve and grow. Yes, dear one, you grow even when you believe you do not.

Even when you hold all the pain and heartache you have created in your life and stand in the one spot too frightened to move forward, things are still changing within you.  Every single second you are evolving. It is impossible for you to not do so.

It is only your illusion that you have created that will tell you that you are indeed stuck in one place. For you have made yourself stuck. But this is never the case, dear one. It is only your perception of what is, but in truth it is not what is, we say. Your life is continually evolving in every moment; yet your perception of it may not have changed.

So we say to you now to change your perception. Whatever is occurring for you right now is what you have wanted to create. Yes, dear one, it is what you have wanted to create. No one being or thing is pulling strings above you like a puppet and creating your reality for you, dear one, for you are not puppet. You are all that you are in this very moment. And will be all that you are in the next moment.

We say to you, dear one, to choose to love that which you are. Accept that which you are in any given moment. Then choose to create what you want. If you create what you want and then decide you do not like this or that it is not right for you then simply choose to change it. Yes, it is that easy.

It is simply a matter of how you see things in your life, dear one. If you see that you are stuck and cannot move and nothing is changing or evolving and you are imperfect. Then this is exactly what will be your reality. You will create this for yourself because that is all you see.

But if you choose to explore further outside of the perception you are sitting in at any moment, and you choose to extend your mind and yourself a bit further and look at your life from another angle, then dear heart you will perceive another possibility, another reality will present itself to you and you will no longer be sitting in the old moment but will step into the new.

If you struggle to shift your reality then we say to you to seek assistance to do this, dear one. Choose to open your heart and receive what you need. Choose to ask for assistance from us – the Masters of Light, the angels, your God self or another lightworker to assist you to see your life from a different perspective. Choose to open to receive when you have become so stuck in the one perception, for in this way if you open your heart to receive a new perception and possibility then you will no longer be trapped in the old illusion. Yet we say to you dear one your mind and heart must be willing to receive the new. Are you ready? Are you open? Or are you creating a stubbornness within thyself and holding onto the old, simply because it is what you know and you fear the new?

We say to you dear one, there are millions of ways to see your reality and the reality that sits around you. There are billions of perceptions and potentials.  Have you considered that the perception that you have chosen for yourself of what is, may not be the perception that is true for your being? We ask you to consider this.

Choose to open yourself to a new way of being and perceiving. Choose to open yourself to the understanding that you are an incredibly successful creator, you are all-powerful and you are able to in any given moment create whatever reality you wish to create in the here and now. For we say to you that you do this all the time.

So we ask you now to choose to explore how your energy moves and the perceptions of your energy that you have created as your truth in this moment. We ask that you sit quietly, dear one, somewhere where you will not be disturbed by outside influences or people. It would be preferable for this to be outside in nature if possible but it is not essential.

Sit now and breathe through the nose and out the mouth. Become aware of this breath. Feel the breath itself move through the nose and out the mouth. Become aware of how you breathe. You do this every day without thinking about it, dear one. Yet if you did not do this you would not be alive in the physical, now would you? In each moment you breathe life into your body unconsciously. So let us assume you breathe every day in every nano second like this.

And in truth you create your reality in every moment without consciousness in the same way and call this your truth. We ask you dear one to become aware of how you do this. Become aware of the breath and how it flows through you. Become aware of the breath that flows through the nose and the mouth and then through your lungs. Become aware of your breath flowing through the lungs.

Then as you sit and contemplate the breath, choose to follow the breath even further as it flows into your blood stream and moves through your body. It is the life giver, this breath in each moment of your existence on the earth. This thing you do in every moment but are never consciously aware of how you do it. You simply do it without thinking, dear one, yet without it you would not live on the Earth.

Feel the breath now moving through the blood giving life to the blood. Feel it now as it changes everything it touches in your body. Feel the breath flowing through all your cells and through the body. Feel how it changes everything it touches. Feel the energy shift within you as this life giving breath feeds your body.

We ask you dear one to understand this is simply another way of perceiving how you live and breathe in every moment. It is asking you to be conscious of how your body is changing and evolving in every moment. This is what is, dear one.

Yet your perception of your body has been different. This is not to say your perception was wrong. It was just different. You simply had to change the way you looked at it to change your perception. You can do this in your life too, we say, to change your reality and what you are choosing to create.

Sometimes you need to go within rather than without to see differently in your life. Often the answers are within you, dear one, rather than looking for them outside of yourself. When you have a problem or issue in your life, we say to you to connect to your breath like this. Then think about the problem or issue in your life. Raise it into your full awareness and become conscious of the energy you are creating as your reality.

For example, dear one, perhaps you are really angry or fearful of someone or something and are unable to let this go. Go to your breath and follow your breath. Then raise this anger or fear in your mind’s eye and then through the breath trace this anger or fear in your physical body. Follow with the breath to where this anger or fear sits in your body. Then connect with this feeling, this energy and through your breath go into this energy.

Ask this energy what it fears so much. Ask it if it is willing to release now what it is holding and go to God. It may not be willing to do so right in that moment, dear one, so you may need to talk to this energy and encourage it to move so it may let go and release. Ask it why it is so frightened and unwilling to release.

Choose to open your heart and mind and allow yourself to interact with this energy and to understand with compassion its fears. It may be connected to a past experience or even a person or thing. You may need to dissolve the energetic ties or cords, which you have created, that hold this energy within you. You may need to be shown the whole story to understand the depth of this energy.

Yet dear one we ask you to simply allow this to unfold within yourself. You may need to forgive people or events or even the God energy itself. Allow all this to unfold within you and connect to your breath. Send as much love and compassion to this energy within you as you can. Ask for assistance from us, the Masters of the Light or from the Angels and your own spiritual guides and teachers. 

There may be contracts that you have created around this energy that will need to be broken. Follow your own guidance with this until you feel the energy is ready to release. Ask it then if it is ready to release and give itself to God now. Is it ready to return to God, to Source? If this is the case simply ask it to move on to God.

Then ask dear heart for the Akashic lightstream of God to open and assist this consciousness of your creation to enter this lightstream. Breathe deeply. You will feel this release as it occurs within you. You will feel the light flow through you and the energy lift from you, we say.

It will be like a quickening of energy within you and a lightness of your being. Simply allow this to occur, dear one. Then choose to fill your heart with love. Call for the heart of God to fill you now and send this energy out into your energy field all around you as far as you can reach. Then sit in this energy for a few minutes until you feel ready to stand up. We wish you love and peace, our beloved.




What Story Is Your Truth? - Saint Germain


Come Into the Core of You - In'Easa mabu Ishtar