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No Beginning, No Ending
Channel from Saint Germain
Welcome dear one. Let us talk of time today. Time is what you make it and yet there is no time. Time is not as you perceive it. You have made a time to meet with us and write this discourse but in truth there is no 5am and yet we have been doing this for a long time and yet no time.
It is very confusing for your Earthly minds that perceive all in the linear notion of time. Once you move away from the third dimensional gravity pull of your Earth time does not exist.
If you remember that you are indeed an energetic being having a multitude of experiences on the Earthly plane in many dimensions, time will not seem so important to you. Most of your experiences are happening in the now and if you remember that in truth you are an extension of your energetic self, which has been extended into this reality in this frequency.
What is Love?
Today is the time to talk of love that which you talk about all the time. But what is love? Is it some kind of dream you have before waking up to find it is all an illusion? For many of you this may be true. But know this dear hearts - love simply is.
Love is in everything you do and see, everything you touch, everything around you. Love is an energy of consciousness and not an emotion or feeling. Now let us be clear on this. We are not talking about love in terms of romantic love. We are talking about the energy of consciousness called love and this is a very different thing to your third-dimensional love.
Allow the Golden Age to Fill You
Welcome our beloved to this day. It is a fortuitous time. Many right now are filled with sadness and grief; and many are filled with an emptiness and loneliness.
They seek to be filled again and do not where to turn. There is little to nourish them and they have been taught to turn outwards to fulfil their emptiness. When we say to them to turn inwards they do not know where that is and when they do try they find it empty - they cannot see the beauty within them. For even in the turning inwards they are trapped in the illusion of physical matter, which they have created for themselves.
It is very difficult for them to let this go and to release it in order to find the freedom to fly without being held in this illusion.
A message from Serapis Bey to all Lightworkers
Let the love of your being flow through you freely as you open yourself up to love of Source and the heart of creation energy that is all around you in each moment. This consciousness is always filled with love. All you are asked to do is to open your heart to receive it and allow it to flow in your life. Make this your reality. Open your eyes and you will see. Life is one long line of existence not many bit parts. It does not end and begin; it just is and continues eternally.
We have been with you for such a long time now and we tell you it is so simple, yet you choose, dear ones, to always make it so complicated. Yet we say to you, it is easy - simply a choice of what you wish to do. Simply choose to live in light and you will do so. Or, choose to live in the veil or darkness of illusions and delusion. And this you will do also.
Open your Hearts to the Change
The tides of energy are turning and changing right now on the Earth as we begin to step into the new age of evolution for each soul. Over the past few years so many rays of higher vibrational consciousness have been offered to us to support each of us to lift our consciousness and resolve all that holds us limited in the way we perceive our existence and the life we are creating for ourselves in each moment on the Earth.
It is a very exciting time for us on the Earth as we move into the new age of Aquarius because this is the time when we can create the new hu-man, our new being and begin to evolve at a more accelerated rate in alignment with Mother Earth herself who is evolving so much faster than us.
A Christmas Prayer - Blessed Be all beings on the Earth
I firmly believe that Christmas time has been created so that we all have the potential to resolve a little of our karma and let go the old stories that keep us trapped in our past, limited in our future and not always present in our lives.
It is the perfect opportunity, as we come together with the group of souls who are our greatest teachers and mirrors on the journey. It is these souls who are are constant reminders of what we hold inside ourselves that needs to be brought into the light again. They also remind us of who and what we are.
Staying in Your Heart
One of the biggest learnings I have had in this lifetime is to stay in my heart (higher consciousness) when I am being judged or criticised by another. Does anyone else have this same challenge? It is not always easy, no matter how many tools you may have at your disposal.