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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Healing Your Creation Temple ~ A Meditation from Quan Yin

We are the Quan Yin and we wish to share with you this day our beloved sisters and brothers. We thank you for your time and energies. We offer you a Rose of Dispensation and an Elixir of Light now to support your energy to open and release all that.

Choose now to open up your heart and be in the light now. Allow the energies of the light to flow through you. Breathe in deeply now and focus on your sacral chakra.

As you open the sacral chakra, feel the light of love fill the sacral chakra now, our beloveds. Ask now for this light to lift all wounds in your sacral chakra.

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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

The Mind of Faith ~ Saint Germain

We wish to speak with you of the mind this day, our beloveds. The mind is an interesting creation and on its own it creates many things for you. It pours forth thought form after thought form, some of these are inspirational and abundant in their love and light while many are simply mind chatter about nothing that do not tarry long in the ether.

But some are limiting and create emotions, which remain in the bodies for a long time, even eons, which you are then forced to carry around with you time and again.

These thought forms create your limitations for you and are created through the many filters or veils that are in your mind. The mind is very good at questioning all that it cannot see. Even though it may intellectually know and understand that which it cannot see because it has absorbed the words of many books written by many learned people, if it cannot see it or touch it then it will hold a reserve about this and will question it regularly.

The mind’s experiences are based on third dimensional reality and it is very difficult for the mind to move past this reality to understand there is more to heaven and earth than the third dimension. At these times your beliefs will be questioned by the mind...

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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Listen to the Voice of God ~ Mary Magdalene

Dear hearts, at this time on the Earth you are all learning, growing and evolving and so in truth you are learning to discover all that you are.

All that you are sits within you, dear ones, it is not outside of you but always within you. To discover all that you are therefore you are called to go within and to make the journey of discovery of all that you are, both the shadow and the light.

For dear hearts you are both and until you have aligned to both the shadow and the light of you and brought all into unity within yourself, then it is so difficult for you to listen to the voice of God within your being, the divine spirit of you.

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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

What Is The Mission Of Our Soul? ~ Lady Nada

The question, dear hearts, is not what you are meant to do to activate your mission on the Earth, but what you are meant to BE. For we say unto you, the soul is not on the Earth to focus on the doing, this is the embrace of the ego mind, the soul is here to shift and grow consciousness.

To do this the soul seeks to manifest an en-livening and an en-lightening of its consciousness, to lift it to a new level of being. This is always the mission of the soul and it is the same when the soul journeys on the Earth or in other realms and dimensions.


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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Trapped in Our Wounds ~ Wisdom from Mother Mary

Dearest heart, within the great schism of the human heart there are many old beliefs and programs that you carry from generation to generation of your beings. Until this consciousness is resolved with love it will continue to affect humanity.

In recent times I have become aware of a deep seated program within us that causes judgment when we become ill or have pain or struggle in some way in our lives. This program causes us to believe that there is something wrong when things don’t go the way we want or expect, when life is not all flow, harmony or joy.

When this occurs we often seek out what the problem is and wish to fix it. What Mother Mary told me was that while we continue to believe something is wrong with this experience and we are judging it or are in resistance to it, then we do not learn and grow from it ...

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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Are You Heart Centred? ~ Saint Germain

Open your heart and receive the love of All That Is and make manifest the light of who you are on the Earth today.

Expand, expand, expand from within and glow with your light and love, sending it out all around you this day so all may know its glory. All beings will then feel and understand the light and love you carry within you, all beings will understand that which you are and bask in its glory.

All beings will feel the love you emanate and in the doing so they will be filled themselves with God's great love and light so they will be fulfilled within themselves.

If you choose this today then your light will touch the heart of others and assist them to connect to their own love and light within. For whenever another being shines their light all beings receive this within and are supported to connect to their own love and light. It is the mirror of who they are.

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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

The Path of Service ~ In'Easa mabu Ishtar

So often we confuse our path of service with serving the needs of our ego mind. It is not always easy to know the difference because when we follow our ego mind we may become very stuck in old programs - all that we already know or that others know - such as the programs of our family, friends and even our spiritual connections. These help to keep us in our comfort zone.

Yet, what we do not always understand is that we are here to be in service to the light of God within each one of us and to manifest it on the Earth in some way in accordance to Divine Will. We are here to be guided by our Divine Self, that part of God that sits in the heart of each one of us.

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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Speaking Your Truth ~ Saint Germain

Recently, I had an argument with a good friend and we both walked away with pain in our heart. We both believed we were speaking our “truth” and it was not heard. We each felt a need to prove to each other and ourselves that we were right.

We each believed this “truth” was more important to prove than the love we held for each other. The wounded shadow part of us was needing to be confirmed and it wanted approval and love but instead received misunderstanding and rejection.

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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Why Are You Here? ~ Serapis Bey

At this time on the Earth we are being asked to surrender all our attachments and expectations that create limitation and separation, all that tells us that we are missing something or that we need something so we can be more. As we reach 9-9-9 and the completion times of our last initiations in this current cycle, we are being asked to let go and surrender our old attachments so we may move into the next initiation of ourselves.

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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Take Responsibility ~ Serapis Bey

Life as you know it is but a minute bubble in the scheme of things. It is simply what you have created from this experience in the realms of matter, our beloveds. It is not the Be and End of All, no surely it is not. We ask you to understand this and to choose not to be so entrapped by your creations in the physical world, dear ones.

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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Surrender to the Shift ~ Lord Kuthumi

Our beloved one, we all travel as we choose and we understand many of you on the Earth have much heartache at this time for those who are resisting the process of evolution. We ask you, dear hearts, to understand that they are not resisting the process they are simply travelling at their own pace, at the timing that is right for them.

Sometimes we need to stand still and not move for a long time (in your Earth years), which is in reality not long at all. In the standing still, dear hearts, much can occur, although in Earth dimensional timing it appears that nothing is occurring.

Healing is a personal matter for each soul and each soul may need the time to sit and wallow in whatever has been the cause of their pain and trauma for which they are currently in reaction to.

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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Becoming Self Aware - In'Easa mabu Ishtar

The core focus in The Masters’ Way program of self-mastery that we teach around the world assists students to become self-aware. The Masters remind us that we are made up of energy. Every being is an energetic being, no matter how much we are attached to the density of the physical world, we are still energetic in our being. Every cell and molecule of our body and our being is made up of light, which is energy.

All light is energy that holds intention. This intention will either be coherent light and aligned to positive potential or incoherent and aligned to distortion and illusion. The energy of our light is always in constant movement, flux and change. Every part of us has its own optimal vibration, yet it will move at certain rates of vibration depending on what consciousness of intention this energy is holding at any time. This consciousness affects the movement or vibration of our energy on all levels.

Where does this consciousness come from? It comes from the choices we make. It is about what we are choosing to be attached to and hold onto in each moment. We create it and therefore we are responsible for how it affects us. This is why the Masters ask us to become self-aware. They ask us to become aware of what we are creating in our light and to take responsibility for it within ourselves.

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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Release the Density - Lord Kuthumi

Once this planet was much lighter, and while still sitting in the third dimension there was not the same denseness as you experience at this time. Then it was possible to exist on the Earth in your energy bodies and not a body made of matter and substance. When your spirit came through the matrix that surrounds this planet you pick up, like a cloak, the energies that have accumulated through the eons around this planet. You walk here as if in thick cement around your energy bodies and it is easy to forget who your are and what you are. It is easy to live in the denseness completely and to pick up more and more debris around you, for like attracts like.

From the moment you enter the realms of the Earth you already have debris around you from the mass consciousness of the collective because this ‘debris’ sits around this planet like a heavy web of energy. It is perhaps for you like dipping yourself into molasses. When this occurs everything sticks to it and you simply become heavier and heavier.

To reconnect to all that you are while you are on Earth requires one to lift off the molasses and the accumulated ‘debris’. You are required to choose consciously for more to attach to you. This in itself requires discipline every day, dear heart. It requires you to work through your physical self and choosing to keep it as light as possible - free from all preservatives in the real sense and also in the sense of the energies around you and as natural as possible. 

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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Step Out Of Illusion - Serapis Bey

Love is unto itself, our beloveds. Love does not need anything to feed it or nurture it. It is not demanding nor is it wanting. Love is just what it is -   pure and aligned with the essence of All That Is.

Love does not work in conjunction with other emotions, for love is not an emotion it is a sense of being. Love is all that there is. There is nothing else but love. All the rest is the illusion you have created to amuse yourselves during your journey on the Earth and you have become so caught up in the illusion that you have forgotten why you are on the Earth.

You are on the earth, beloved one, simply to experience love in the physical plane. It is an experiment, if you will, to discover energy in the physical and what it creates of itself and unto itself. 

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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

The Ego Mind

Our ego self is a very powerful part of our beings and it often creates many illusions for us in our life that cause separation. The ego is the master of illusion and causes us to be dishonest with ourselves, over and over again, even when we think we are in our truth. This is because the ego is a master at telling us what we want to hear and not always what our souls think we need to hear. When we choose to be guided by our ego then we often become lost and cannot see our light in its divine truth.

We are consistently being asked to resolve this ego consciousness so that we can release the separation consciousness that we create to God, ourselves and to others. This separation causes us so much grief and heartache because we are not designed to be in separation to God, ourselves and other beings. We each hold within us the heart of Oneness and until we understand and accept that any time we are creating separation with any being including ourselves then we are not living our divine truth.

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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

What Story Is Your Truth? - Saint Germain

Dear heart, we come to say to you that you are not your stories, you are the pure light of your soul. Yet how many stories do you run in your mind that create your reality and become your truth, dear heart? Stories from the past and expectations of the future, each one traps you in its tentacles and you make it your truth and reality in the now moment. Yet, we say to you these are simply stories, experiences of the physical realm, but they are not that which you are.

These stories that you tell yourself are not the original blueprint of your being, but simply distortions you have created of this truth. Yet we say to you each story that you create will bring to you experiences and understandings on your journey to fully embracing the divine truth of you.

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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Be Conscious of Your Creations - Saint Germain

The body is your vehicle on this Earth. It is a wise person that keeps this vehicle pure and clean. For if the vehicle is not working then it is very difficult for you to create your life. The body is not you, dear one, it is simply your mode of transportation in this experience but what a wondrous machine it is and imaginatively designed.

Its basis was created in the Universe. All beings on Earth are created in a similar way, in a similar design. While mankind continues to try and emulate this design it is still unable to do so for it does not refer to the basis of all life.

The first division of all life and the ability to create is the key. Life continues to duplicate itself and replicate itself ongoing in the physical just like the energy of the Universe. It never stops. It is always in continual motion, world without end. 

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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Come Into the Core of You - In'Easa mabu Ishtar

When you choose to take the path of least resistance and walk the journey of yourself with an open heart, then dear hearts you come into the core of you and know the stream of your consciousness that you call your divine spirit. You come to know the God self and sit in your true light.

When you open your heart to yourself –all that you are in darkness and light and let go all separation of who and what you are, then dear hearts you sit in the very core of your be-ing in peace and fulfilment. You then will know the very power of your light and in this you will know peace.

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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Come out of Separation and Pain - Lord Kuthumi

When you go into re-action dear hearts you close your heart and sit in separation consciousness. Emotions and thoughts arise that create separation in your being and you are re-active, acting out on these emotions and thoughts.

When this occurs dear hearts then all that you create is filled with the energy of separation and you begin to build a story that is not necessary. You build a story dear ones around your painful emotions and feelings and tell yourself this is your truth. 

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Ineasa Ishtar Ineasa Ishtar

Divine Love - The Clay of the Universe

Today we wish to talk of love and its implications. Nothing makes us happier than to love. It is the divine order of all things. Love in its infinite glory and wisdom is the 'be' and the 'all'. It is in all things at all times, no matter how they appear.

Everything is made up of this energy of love. Even if you cannot see it. Even death and pain is made of love. Even murderers and rapists are made of love. What you judge as black and dark is also made of love. 

It is the divine energy in all things that flows. Sometimes it is like a chocolate peanut, coated with darker energy on the outside but in the kernel is the divine spark. Look for it in all things and you will see it.

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