What is a Jani Tara?
A Jani Tara is an advanced soul who incarnates on Earth during times of specific changes and initiations for humanity so they can share the unique gifts they hold in loving service.
The Christed Masters call lightworkers a Jani Tara. Jani means a gift from God. Tara means the feminine wisdom of compassion and liberty to walk the spiritual path.
They say a Jani Tara has been gifted specific codes in their being that support other souls to find their way back to the heart of Creation. Jani Taras are dedicated to their path of service to their Divine Presence and are in alignment with divine will and the divine plan as it unfolds for all beings in this universe.
Jani Taras are sent to manifest into a physical body on planets and star systems when there are times of crisis or change for the collective so we can share our codes to support and assist them. We work with monadic groups of soul in family and may feel isolated when we discover we are not the same as the “family” into which we have incarnated. We may find it difficult to accept our “differences” and become lost on our path when we try to fit into what is deemed “normal” by our peers and family.
Jani Taras are the pillars of light for humanity. We are the way showers on the path of Ascension for all souls on Earth. We are also the first ones to receive the new waves of conscious energy that is sent to this planet during specific times of increased awakening and enlightenment for humanity. We hold specific codes within our DNA that allows us to integrate and anchor this energy for all of humanity, when these codes are activated. Yet when they are not activated we tend to become overwhelmed by the new energy frequency we are receiving because we do not know what to do with it.
Every Jani Tara has incarnated on Earth to serve the divine light and the awakening of humanity through their Mastery. Jani Taras come to Earth to hold a sacred space through their light pillars for the new consciousness to flow into the heart of humanity and to support this consciousness to be anchored and grounded for all beings.
Jani Taras have been training for this role over many lifetimes in service to the light and humanity. Each time we incarnate on Earth we are asked to awaken our unique gifts and focus our efforts in service to the light of the divine to be awakened in the heart of humanity.
How do I know if I am a Jani Tara?
1. You feel different to others. You feel you do not fit in and others don't understand you. You may often feel you were not meant to be on Earth and want to go "home". This may create a feeling of separation with family, groups and/or humanity.
2. You feel you have a bigger purpose that no one seems to understand and even you may not know what it is. You know you want to be of service but you are not sure what or how you want to serve.
3. You always feel a deep connection to something greater than yourself - perhaps you call this God or Source, soul or your spirit, perhaps it is with the stars or the Universe, or perhaps it is with Mother Earth.
4. You are very sensitive or empathic and this may make you feel overwhelmed in groups of people and in big crowds, so often you try to avoid this. It also affects you when big events occur on earth that cause suffering for humanity in some way. You feel the emotions of others very keenly and often think they are your emotions and this may confuse you.
5. You often want to connect with people at a very deep level. When you do this you sense things about them that they have not told you. This may cause you to speak about their feelings or thoughts as if they have told you. This may attract people to you as they sense you are listening to them and understand them in a deeper way, or it may also cause misunderstandings where people feel their privacy has been invaded in a way they can't explain and so they feel they cannot trust you.
6. Your sensitivity creates a feeling of being overwhelmed by the suffering of others, including Mother Earth and animals. This may create great sadness inside of you or even deep rage or anger.
7. You find it difficult to accept it when people misunderstand or judge you, and you cannot understand why they are unable to open their heart to you or others with acceptance.
8. You often wish to care for other people, animals or Mother Nature and may feel the need to ‘save’ them or ‘fix’ them in some way.
9. You inspire or motivate others and make them feel better about themselves, yet often you find it difficult to see this gift in yourself. You may find it difficult to honor your natural gifts and to accept them. You may compare yourself to others because you can easily see the gifts that others hold but not your own.
10. You relate to mythical super heroes/heroines or fantasy beings. You may even see them or talk to them.