What Our Path Of The One Heart Students Say

Photos above are from the Path Of The One Heart Retreat in Crete 2019


Gift of a lifetime…

I have taken many other spiritual paths, courses and meditated on and off for years. This Path has opened me up in many ways - internally and externally - slowly and surely. I enrolled in this course because it sounded good - not even knowing what it entailed. I was resistant in the beginning and, at times, I still am. I thought this was a one year course and learned it is a lifetime course. I enrolled as a leap of faith and I am grateful for this leap. Learning that all is well, that we are one and that there are tools I can use to get me through each and every experience has nurtured and calmed me in ways I could not have imagined.

I encourage everyone to give themselves this gift. It is the gift of a lifetime.

Stephanie Sunshine, New York

Joy and empowerment…

Some chakras are working quite nicely, the others that were holding much pain are beginning to heal, releasing persistent physical pain. I am experiencing a feeling of sustained quiet joy and serenity, and beginning to feel the power of me.

Wanda Clark, Poland

Calm and gratitude…

I have received many valuable teachings. Some of the most striking are about self-love, releasing judgment and control, releasing separation to the Divine within me. I can calm my emotional body more easily and focus my mind. I experience more ease and grace in my daily life, I connect to gratitude daily and I feel part of this earth and humanity.

Olga Nam Joti, Germany

Better relationships…

My relationships have improved so I am feeling so much happier. My reality changed to a feeling of freedom overnight! I have more direction in life and I have taken up new hobbies: painting, horse-riding and dancing in my spare time! All these activities make me feel good as I connect to myself and find love inside instead of looking outside for love and nourishment from other people.

Melanie Smith, UK

Forgiving the self…

I began the course with much enthusiasm and then hit a great wall of resistance. The shift for me was being able to recognize why the resistance was showing up without having to go outside of myself for answers.  My greatest gift was my “Ah-ha” having to forgive myself.

Lisa Bosco, USA

Patient and kind…

I have learned to be patient and kind with myself. Huge shift in my breathing, shift in how I relate to myself.  Excitement of learning about me and knowing there is more than me. Changes in my interactions with others. Tuning into my heart chakra and other chakras. Changes in my physical body.  Recognizing beliefs, expectations, judgments.

Stephanie Sunshine, USA


The world is not the same and I'm not the same. The feeling of unity grows larger and larger inside myself,the feeling that the Earth and humanity is also my family-a big family,and the feeling that the higher realms of existance-the heavens also is my family. The Ascended Masters, Angels, Archangels are my light family. All the changes and shifts created inside of me starts to offer me step by step a unity conciousness,a conciousness that already resides in me.

Paul Ureche, Switzerland


Serenity and peace…

For me the biggest shift has been to come to a space of serenity and peace of who I am, that I am not here by chance, that I have a divine purpose and I am a divine being. This realization has brought enormous peace into my life and I want to learn more and go deeper into the teachings. I would also really love to be able to teach this work with others, in whichever possible way I feel these teachings are so necessary for all of us right now.

Claudio Salinas, Belgium

Accept myself…

More loving myself. Accepting more who I am and honouring more myself. More confident and giving myself more time and space. Lighter.

Murielle Regamey, Switzerland

So much change…

Sorry, but it's so much and so deep that I can't even list all the changes I have experienced. I would simplify it like this. I am more at peace, I don't feel alone anymore, I have the feeling of a permanent non-verbal communication within me, I have my deep trust back, I am happier, I am discovering love for myself. Or in other words, I am each day a little bit more who I really am.

Harmonjot, Singh, Isle de Reunion

Expanded being…

I have learned how much of an expanded being I actually am and that this work is ongoing – there is no “end point”, or goal to reach.  It is a daily process. Learning that I have so much support around me and that I don’t have to do this on my own. Also learning about the spiritual current.  It lifts my frequency and my mood.

Tiffany Hayes, Australia

Personal freedom…

Learning that to have personal freedom is to love myself completely and unconditionally. With this experience, I can extend to all around me. Sitting within my heart is harder than I expected – lots of external pulls for my attention from my core. Standing back to observe my triggers and reactions was powerful healing. Pillar of light and all-embracing to no-judgement are daily reminders for me.

Wendy Lim, Singapore

Grace and ease…

I’d say to step back, look at myself and have a gentle smile and big hug for me / my aspects, when they’re coming up. Life is so much easier that way! To love myself…
The more I let go and surrender, the more life flows with grace and ease.

Marianne Oesch, Switzerland

Ah-ha moment…

There are so many teachings available in this 21st century however the teaching of POH course is the one of the most organized and practiced theories. Since my childhood, I have been carrying my sensitivity in everything and this has been judged by other and myself.

However, through learning what the Harmonisers come to do on the Earth, I have started to understand the way to keep ourselves at centre and its importance in being centred, also how much we can get easily pop out from the centre to someone’s energies. The tendency is happening under our unconscious level so it must be such help for the for all the Harmonisers who have not yet joined the POH and it can give them a big A-ha moment.

Naho Fujii, Japan


Weight lifted…

I feel much clearer, like the weight of my unresolved karma has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel calmer and have more faith than I ever have done. And much more accepting of what is, within me and without me. I also feel more creative and that I’m living in more alignment with my souls’ purpose than before. I also feel more supported by the angelic realm, the ascended masters (particularly Quan Yin) and by divine mother and divine father.

Kelly Harries, UK

Discovering myself…

The Path of the One Heart brought me, in fact, into my heart being. It opened an infinite wheel of opportunities and connected me with many beautiful souls along the way. It is hard to describe with words how grateful I am for the lessons I received during this course and beyond, as the learnings still continue to manifest.

What astonished me most about this course is the understanding I gained of who I am, of the gifts that I hold and the choices that I have. The empowerment that came with this recognition and remembrance, perhaps, has changed me profoundly. From my heart I can say today, this path is truly beautiful. It may not always seem that easy to walk it, but it is a path to the innermost self, to all that is.

Jovana Konopka, Berlin Germany

Self love…

I am so happy to have completed the Path of the One Heart. It was beautiful with the healings and activations, but also so challenging on many levels! I feel I have grown so much and I have a much deeper understanding of myself. So thank you!

The most important key I received is the key to self love. Before this course this was only a concept for me but now I have actual experience. I have learnt this through learning to forgive myself which has been huge. I have a long way to go in integrating this work, but I have some tools now to work with.

I was really impressed how available you were throughout the course, answering questions to emails etc.

Penny Rouvas, UK

Be patient…

The most important keys I received during this course were: Being. Learning how to be – the witness, the observer. It is easy to follow.

My advice is more for future students:  Not to be in a rush.  Just to practice daily and do the homework (changing life work) as it is with practice that this work is anchored in us.

Catherine Bowen, UK

Life changing…

It is a life changing work that has a lot of impact inwards, shifting from many directions, opening to unlimited possibilities. Such a profound work to integrate in many levels of our being and that’s quite an experience. 

Eureka Aragon, Amsterdam

Purity and beauty…

I received many, many keys but I have a choice to choose the most important key I received- The Blueprints! To sit in the consciousness of our original creation! To experience once again such purity and beauty! This key brought so much light and it is only in the light that we can see love.

Marlene Berman, San Diego

Shining my light…

The reminder that I am a Jani Tara and all I need do is to shine my Light upon humanity. The course was easy to follow in that the presentations were amazing. Not so easy in that what was presented was extremely intense. The depth of work was often quite challenging!!

Colin Stein, Sydney



WOWOWEEWEEWOWOW!! It was a closing ceremony but it feels like it's just the beginning. Seeming paradoxes of the human condition. I sound my heart note in love and gratitude to beloved teacher, Ishtar.

Marty, Canada

Jani Tara…

I could not have envisioned the gifts we received as we started this journey. Thank you for sharing all this work and your faith in the Masters, enabling us to receive all. Something has truly clicked in right away today after the closing ceremony, I know so, as I needed to write an e-mail to a lady who requested a session for healing/guidance etc, and I just wrote under my name:  

Jani Tara of Light

Which I never even thought of doing, but now it without a doubt just feels right to do so.  

Wanda Shaufele, Amsterdam

Deepening within…

Just want to say thank you for doing this course. It has allowed for a deepening of understandings, connection to my Divine Presence, realizations of all the layers of support that exist and a moving forward towards serving the greater whole, bigger picture, as well as tools and techniques that I can continue to work with. This is exactly everything I needed.

Certainly it has not always been easy or comfortable to work on myself, but it's all good, and I just keep moving forward. I am deeply grateful for your hard work in putting this together, the teachings, the meditations, the Codes, everything. It was perfect, inspiring and Life Changing! This work is so necessary. I remember when you did a personal session for me two years ago now, I think it was, and you mentioned the Masters were revealing this course to you and I was so happy to hear it, because I had been praying for what was next, and to gain greater clarity and to feel supported in my development, which at the time I wasn't feeling....so yes, a HUGE thanks to you for doing this, because it is a lot of work and dedication on your part!

Joy Robinson, New York

Deep gratitude…

I am in deep gratitude for having been guided to this course. Like a necklace of beads it offers me structure, consistency, guidance, insights, discovery, expansion, growth.

Emily Wabitsch