Colin Stein

Teaches: The Caretakers of Sacred Light and
The Magdalenes

Colin describes his experiences growing up with spirit. He has sat in medium circles since a young boy. He has also completed The Masters Way, Open to Channel and Path of the One Heart (2 times) and has been a teacher of The Masters’ Way.

Class starts: Next Level 1 School starts mid-2024. Contact me for dates.

Location: Zoom online classes.

Classes held: Two Saturdays a month.  

Based in: Sydney Australia.

Phone: +61 (0) 418955592


About Colin: Colin has been studying the teachings of the Ascended Masters for over 10 years under the guidance of In’easa mabu Ishtar.

In this time he has completed Open to Channel and The Masters Way and Path of the One Heart. He then went on to teach these courses. In addition he offers Akashic Record Readings, Magdalenes Wisdom Sessions and Caretakers of the Sacred Light sessions whereby groups or individuals are held and supported by this Sacred Light.

By his own admission and attested to by those who know him, all these Courses have had a profound effect on his life. It has given him a deep understanding of our purpose here on Earth, the journey of the Soul and so much more. It has given him a far broader perspective in his interrelations with his family, friends, colleagues and in fact, all those that he meets.

Colin is deeply passionate in what he does whether it be Life Coaching or Business Coaching. He loves mentoring and teaching others, all done with a big open Heart and assisting his students/ mentees to reach their highest potential. This is what drives him. He is dedicated to imparting what he has learnt to others so they too can have a positive impact in their lives.