Jo Rushton

Teaches: The Harmonisers and Scribes

Class starts: Next Level 1 School starts Saturday April 5th 2025 at 6am Sydney time. 

Classes held: Level 1 Path of the One Heart classes are held the first and second Saturdays of each month from 6-10am Sydney time.

Location: Live on Zoom.

Based in: Pottsville, Northern NSW 2484 Australia

Phone: 0412 271 224



Teaches: Universal Rays Healing Level 1-3 Open to Channel, The Masters’ Way and Path of the One Heart as a Harmoniser and Scribe.

Other Qualifications: Nutritional Coach, Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Energy Therapist.

About Jo: Jo has studied with Ishtar for the last 15 years. In more recent years Jo has opened deeply to the teachings offered by the Ascended Masters and has witnessed profound change in her life as a result.

Jo is a gifted teacher and wayshower dedicated sharing the wisdom of the Masters’ so that others who feel called to embrace their highest potential feel guided and supported in the same way Jo has under the care and mentoring of Ishtar.

As a holistic health and energy therapist, Jo has also studied under some of the world’s leading holistic health practitioners and healers. Jo is a Faculty Member of the CHEK Institute and teaches Holistic Lifestyle Coach (HLC) Level 1 and 2 across Australia & New Zealand.

Jo’s expertise is in providing the practical tools and emotional support required to implement deep change across all levels of your life, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 

We often know what we need to do, and yet sometimes the ‘how’ can be overwhelming. Jo breaks things down into easy and achievable steps for long-term sustainable change.